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Windows Sharing Pack V098 311


  • from: the last 3 monthsthe last 6 monthsthe last yearall time 6464 March 14th, 2020Legacy TE: X [Unofficial Legacy TE + PMEX Build] by Ambipom, Denz, Moblin, --, soopercool101, PyotrLuzhin, ZaTaisho, Dranakar, Puzzled, Ca$ino Wolf, Yohan1044, chasemcdizzle, Drazerg with credit to the former PMDT and everyone else mentioned in the credits.txt. A huge thank you to the Legacy Discord community for helping the TE Dev Team test stages they've released. Credit to Yami and Psycho for many of the HD textures. [Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Item, Misc, Portrait] Staff Edit: Credit removal upon request.Edit: reuploaded due to rule breaking deletionPLEASE DO NOT REPORT ISSUES TO THE LEGACY TEAMS, THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS RELEASE!!!! PLEASE READ THE INCLUDED READ ME FILE!LemayonnaiseTE: X is a PM+BEX Version of Legacy TE. It has the LXP Characters included. This is not a Tourney Legal Build, but it is still aimed at the Tournament Experience. Get to learn the new LXP characters in Tourney Legal Stages! Also, since this is running off of PM+BEX 0.51, you can add more characters should you choose to!Let the Legacy continue!Any future updates I do will be exclusive to my Discord Server! Join here! Original Description:Legacy TE is a tournament-optimized version of Project M 3.6. Rather than replacing vanilla Project M content, it preserves its tournament-friendly assets and extends the experience just a bit further. This is modpack is based on PM 3.6, and not intended to continue Project M's development.Trailer: =vB8gfzCMCYoVideo for TOs: Contains:- Exclusive tourney features- 100+ new stages- 100+ new costumes- 50+ new songs- Netplay version with Dolphin HD pack- Resources folder for customizationWe hope you love it as much as we do.Please read on SmashBoards: Download link broken? PM me for a mirror download.If you use any of this build for your own build to publish, we ask that out of respect for the contributors, you review the credits.txt in the download and properly attribute whomever we include in the credits for what it is you wanted to import for your own build. Link for Legacy 1.3: Link for Project M EX: ALM5252's Custom Build 1999 July 10th, 2019Legacy XP Character Extension Ver. 2 *UNOFFICIAL* by tyleto, Ambipom with credit to Included in the Credits.txt! [Pack - Character] READ THIS DESCRIPTION!! This pack was developed using the full version of LXP on a Wii base. This pack DOES work on Dolphin, but I don't have tips to get it to work. This pack SHOULD work on LXPLite.This pack is a drag and drop installation. It's as simple as dragging the files included in the Extension into Legacy XP's \"pf\" folder. If you encounter any issues with it please let me know at @tyleto#5284. *Psst, click the image for in game previews...*This extension contains everything from the last extension plus more! Daisy, Blood Falcon, and Knuckle Joe have been added! Big Boss and Snake get the separation treatment! Snake now has his Smash Ultimate moveset and Big Boss has inherited Snake previous moveset. 1907 October 3rd, 2021Legacy MP+ v2.29: P+ v2.29 Tournament Build by TEITO with credit to Project+ team with credit to the former Legacy team, PMDT, nnebf and many other details will be google sheet [Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Item, Misc, Portrait] LegacyMP+ is an extended build of Project+. (Unofficial)All character balances and specifications are based on P+ v2.29.It adds a lot of content such as stages, songs, costumes, and features.Includes Wii and Dolphin (Windows, Mac).ScreenShot : To use with Wii, you need an SD card larger than 8GB.Format : Discord & SUPPORT : Contact developer : Contains:- Same functionality as Project+ v2.29- 250+ new stages- 900+ new songs- 215+ new costumes- Alt & JPN SFX- Netplay version with Dolphin HD pack- New Code Menu- BETA Lethal League modeLots of credits are still missing.I will list it soon. 1008 August 15th, 2015Tron Legacy Mario by Mansta8 with credit to Picano [Character - Texture - Mario] EDIT (2015): fixed preview imagesOriginal Description (2011):V2 HERE: I just wanted a Tron Legacy texture. I found Picano's tron mario, messed with it and this was the awesome result. Recolors coming soon. 906 May 29th, 2012Tron Legacy Mario V2.1 by Mansta8, DoctorFlux(Mariodk) with credit to Picano, SJS [Character - Texture - Mario] CSP by SJS, thank him for that.Tron Mario returns in a revamp.EDIT: Now includes SMBZ version and updated textures. 873 December 18th, 2016Fighter Daisy (Legacy V0.98) by ludabrawl with credit to Triforce Zelda (Deceased) [Character - Texture, Vertex, Moveset (PSA) - Peach] This is Super Zelda's last hack,which he left to me to post.Costumes: 00-normal01-magic armor02-fighter03-dark04-Super Saiyan fighter05-alternativemoveset:B-seismic energy waveB+side-punch BoomB+up-melee joltB+down-super butt crushFinal Smash:crystal smash/crystal boomExclusive:Kai-o-keninstruction for kai o ken use:up taunt to activate ,press down taunt 3 times to increase kai o ken strength,press up taunt 4 times to decrease strength Enjoy :P 865 June 22nd, 2019Legacy XP Character Extension Ver. 1 *UNOFFICIAL* by tyleto with credit to Included in the Credits.txt! [Pack - Character] READ THIS DESCRIPTION!!This pack was developed using the full version of LXP on a Wii base. It will work on Dolphin but it will not have HD textures. I cannot confirm that it works with LXP Lite.This pack is a drag and drop installation. It's as simple as dragging the files included in the Extension into Legacy XP's "pf" folder. If you encounter any issues with it please let me know at @tyleto#5284.KNOWN BUGS-Knuckles's final smash doesn't have sound unless Sonic is present.-A Franklin Badge on Toad is misplaced.-Screenshots crash the game.-New characters in Special Smash have issues or crash the game entirely. 739 November 17th, 2019Legacy MP+ v1.05b Hotfix: P+ v1.05b Tournament Build by TEITO with credit to Project+ team with credit to the former Legacy team, PMDT and many other details will be google sheet [Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Item, Misc, Portrait] Legacy MP+ is an extension of Project+.Based on Project+ v1.05b, more stages and songs are added.2019/11/17Bug fixes and a few stages and music addedUses Faster Melee.To use with Wii, you need an SD card larger than 8GB.Format: This build is Project+ unofficial.Discord & SUPPORT: ScreenShot(LMP+): Contains: - Same functionality as Project+ v1.05b- 500+ new stages - 600+ new songs - Alt & JPN SFX- Enter Knuckles from Code Menu- All Alt tournament stages are P+ v1.05b standards.- Netplay version with Dolphin HD pack Lots of credits are still missing.I will list it soon. 634 September 4th, 2018Legacy TE Hexagon CSS by Motobug [Misc - Texture - Menu] A Hexagon CSS in the style of Legacy TE's character select screen.Original concept by souphard. 619 May 8th, 2010Trace Legacy by Miacis [Character - Texture - Marth] Trace, the main character and Grand Templar of the infamous furry webcomic Twokinds. 593 November 5th, 2018Project M + Legacy XP Lucina v2.0b by Lillith with credit to Nao-chan, Project M Team, crazyhandmasterhand, Legacy XP Team, jaystring, JOJI. [Character - Vertex, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character] Alt .zip link !DNdXjCRJ!r_utdZHmhEd5_AF9F7pb0Z2oJkz2BUFk9v8TYFGhOKcv2.0bLucina now has those unique win quotes if she wins against Marth or Ikev2.0aModels' metal materials fixed.This makes Lucina more of a semi-clone, as opposed to the Sm4sh 'promoted alt costume' clone, or 'Melee-ey' clone I did a while ago.uh... Dancing Blade 4th side is the meteor instead of 3rd side, a bit of a callback to the other PSA by crazyhandmasterhand, hahaSo uh... things.In the sfx folder, you'll see a version with 'e' at the end, and a version with 'j' at the end, 'e' for English voices, 'j' for Japanese voices, just get rid of that end bit, delete the sawnd you're not using, and you should be good to go for that.Soundbank ID is 0x000001ACNecessary codesEffect.pac Roster Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]SoundBank Expansion System (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]Hitbox Sound Effect Change System v1.1 (RSBE.Ver) [JOJI]Codes found on JOJI's site-- navigate to the bottom of the sidebar 'SSBB CODES' uhm... seems to only work on Dolphin, which means I basically need to redo from scratch again... again... ...ugh.... Sorry, but releasing a thing for one set of people is better than no one at all. Apologies, but I'll try to do this stuff later when not working on a million things.... Still, Sm4sh Roy is next up. 482 May 24th, 2018Legacy XP Beta Geno - Updated GFX and SFX by Strange Matter, Albafika, DoctorFlux(Mariodk), SouthCraft with credit to the Legacy XP team. [Character - Moveset (PSA) - R.O.B.] This PSA is outdated. For the latest version, check out Legacy XP 2.0 Full: 03/13/2017 - Last update for now.This is just an aesthetic update to Legacy XP's Geno that fixes a number of GFX bugs, adds SFX to various moves that were lacking them, and also includes some minor improvements such as altered taunts and win animations, as well as a new star animation for neutral special. Aside from the taunts, this Geno should play identically to the one included in Legacy XP Beta. Includes a changelist that goes over some of the edits in greater detail.Old Description:This is an edited version of the Geno PSA included in Legacy XP which adds various touch ups and visual fixes. The changes are almost entirely cosmetic in nature, mainly things such as adding sound effects to silent moves, removing leftover R.O.B. sfx where they don't belong, and hiding held items during awkward animations. Gameplay-wise, the only difference from XP is that the taunts have been rearranged to more fitting directions (e.g. the taunt where Geno falls down is now the down taunt, etc.)Also included is an alternate version of the PSA which is identical except for its dash attack, which has been reverted to Albafika's original version (a rapid arm twist attack). It's a little finicky, but it makes Geno feel more unique. Whichever version you use, make sure to use the matching motionetc file to avoid having Geno freeze.A forthcoming update will include fixed item animations, decloned gfx, and two new victory poses. 450 March 23rd, 2014Tron Legacy Luigi by Mansta8 [Character - Texture - Luigi] stacksmash.kontek.netRecolors:, I might make more of these. 419 August 10th, 2017Super Smash Bros Legacy XP Melee's Announcer Dean Harrington by ran _ with credit to Smash Bros Legacy, Dean Harrington [SFX - Announcer] This is just the unmodified .sfx files included in the Project M Super Smash Bros Legacy XP Modpack: =0B_n8g8scMUodSUlSWUN1TE9CZGM&usp=sharing(Source: Super Smash Bros Legacy XP) 409 August 24th, 2017[PM3.6] Torn Sky Battlefield (Legacy TE) by Dranakar with credit to Nezha, WorseDoughnut [Stage - Texture, Vertex, Import - Battlefield] 1-1 PM 3.6 Battlefield for your taking.Included in Legacy TE. Huge thanks for WorseDoughnut and Nezha for helping me with this stage! Hope you enjoy! 407 September 2nd, 2019Legacy MP 2.11: PM 3.6 Tournament Build by TEITO with credit to davidvkimball, Denz, Moblin, Nezha the Scout, soopercool101, MetalLegacy, DukeItOut, Layell, PyotrLuzhin, ZaTaisho, Kirbeast, Dranakar, MarioDox, Puzzled, Puzzled (Glitched Account), WorseDoughnut, Ca$ino Wolf, Yohan1044, chasemcdizzle, mawwwk with credit to the former PMDT and many other details will be google sheet [Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Item, Misc, Portrait] Legacy MP is an extension of Legacy TE.Based on Legacy TE 2.11, more stages and songs are added.To use with Wii, you need an SD card larger than 8GB.Format: This build is unofficial Legacy.Discord & SUPPORT: ScreenShot(LMP): Contains: - Same functionality as LegacyTE 2.11- 500+ new stages - 600+ new songs - Alt & JPN SFX- Enter Knuckles from Code Menu- Netplay version with Dolphin HD pack Lots of credits are still missing.I will list it soon. 368 April 22nd, 2019Super Mario Odyssey: Cowboy Mario Redux (Legacy TE 2.1 compatible) by hypersonicJD with credit to Sub, for letting me use the bandana from his cowboy mario [Character - Import - Mario] Hello people, here I am again, now with my (For now) last mod. Since I haven't been able to finish up some stuff that I wanted, I have decided to upload this as it is. (Update: Slighty edited Neon Blue and Wine gloves showcased in a screenshot in the album, slighty edited Wine's bandana, redone Smash 4 blue recolor, and added a completely new recolor) This cowboy has actually correct placement of his face, eyes, damage face and he even has a neck now! Same for the new bandana, this comes from Sub's cowboy mario brawlified. I though it would look great in this model, and it definetely does, it's better than the towel bandana it had.Anyway, this version has actually good cosmetics! And it has some absolutely new recolors! Smash 4 blue, Neon Blue, Bandit color Scheme, and a few other references, let's see if you can spot them all! Also: This pack only has .pac files, if you want to have PCS you just have to open the PACs in brawlbox or brawlcrate, and save them as PCS and there you go. So please, enjoy this while I figure out anything else to upload! 364 January 13th, 2013Tron Legacy Luigi (Rim Lighting+Recolors) by Mansta8, Mewtwo2000 [Character - Texture, Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Luigi] This is my Tron Legacy Luigi with recolors & rim lighting like in this: 333 March 14th, 2018Mario Odyssey + NEW Legacy XP Cosmetics by DingooPingoo with credit to RenagadeJade, and Malistaticy [Character - Texture, Vertex - Mario] NOTE: I DO NOT OWN THIS MODEL!Y, I AM ONLY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING THE COSMETICS (CSP, BP, STOCK)I hope you enjoy! 319 July 27th, 2018Project M + Legacy XP Lucina v1.1a by Lillith with credit to Nao-chan, Project M Team, crazyhandmasterhand, Legacy XP Team. [Character - Moveset (PSA), Vertex - Custom Character] Alt .zip link !6dEyUASb!4vyqe-cUbK-HyghHR6L-NBCTXl7w_u4c6ODJlOTPwyQYay, update time! Has ...*Starts counting on fingers* ...6 new variations, and a new model thing, although the new model is only necessary for the Bow moveset things.v1.1aModels' metal materials fixed.Mini update (v1.1) She now has the awesome LXP mask taunt instead of the other one, also has a separate variation for those who rather Pass as her down special instead of Counter.Unfortunately, due to potential filesize conflicts, you may need to reduce the sizes of textures with the model you are using. Hopefully not though! Works best with jaystring's Lucina import composite of my own PM Lucina and Legacy XP's Lucina, should work properly in either environment. 313 September 24th, 2020Super Smash Bros. Ultimate hitsounds for Legacy XP/Legends by Matte1s [SFX - Menu] This adds hitsounds, menu sounds, audience cheers, and footstep sounds from Ultimate. I made it for Legacy and Legends, but if it works with Project M it'll work with almost any build. Preview (Source: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ) 312 March 1st, 2019Legacy XP - Hero Of Termina by Ubergruvin, Moe with credit to AlGeorgeRomo for the base model, Mach 7 for the Hero's Shield model, Moe for the fixes to the sheath and sword. [Character - Texture, Import - Custom Character] As a fan of Smash 2's Majora's Mask alternate for Young Link and Young Link's default appearance in LXP Beta, I was disappointed that this wasn't added back to Legacy XP's 2.0 update. Well, this is an issue no longer. Made to go over the black slot. Enjoy! 308 August 24th, 2017Golden Temple - Legacy TE by Dranakar, Kuro [Stage - Texture, Vertex, Import - Rumble Falls] It's Golden Temple from DKCR! This stage was one of my darlings during TE development (even though it's not a 1-1 (yet). I had modelled most of the stage when I found out people could rip models from the game xD That's where Kuro saved the day, this stage would not be possible without him. The platform is moving in it's own unique way, I hope you enjoy! 283 July 27th, 2018Project M + Legacy XP Lucina Alt v1.1b by Lillith with credit to Nao-chan, Project M Team, crazyhandmasterhand, Legacy XP Team, JOJI. [Character - Vertex, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Custom Character] Alt .zip link !rRcE0SDK!n174LG9BfQAUdteQwd1yypuskppDzcS4s8kMDDAX_IUv1.1bModels' metal materials fixed.v1.1aLevin Sword up smash, yay. More damage and range.Re-added 'Pass' down special variation for those who preferred that.v1.1A number of animation clean-ups and improvements (Such as proper hand movements, getting rid of jerkiness during slowdown).Update-- Things have been fixed. i'm so sorry :apologies for upload spam eepAn alternate version to Lucina, this'll be the one updated from here on.Her soundbank ID is 19D, you will need either a code or Fighter Config to reflect this.Sounds overhauled completely. Again. Yay.Graphical stuff overhauled.Up Smash updated a littleDancing Blade 4th up updated. 280 June 21st, 2020Legacy Tribute by Cinnamon Roll.EXE with credit to The Legacy Team, Icy Terror, ALM5252, Al George, Lawliet, King Bob. the Smash CE team and many more people that I've lost track of. My bad. [Pack - Character, Stage, Audio, SFX, Item, Misc, Portrait] Heyo! I made this build as a tribute to Legacy builds, at the time they were discontinued. I gathered all the best content I could find, and put the LTE and the Legacy XP stagelists in Smash CE. This is and will be the only release of the build, and it's crashless on both Wii and Dolphin. Discord: 2 3 from: the last 3 monthsthe last 6 monthsthe last yearall timeSome things to remember before reporting:Please read the rules regarding Brawl Vault and reporting.

  • The following are examples of things that should be reported:Broken downloads

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  • Reports should be clear. Don't write just "Sandbag"; explain the issue in full.

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Otherwise, click "No" or close this dialog.Send a PM to the owner(s) explaining why you are deleting this entryEnter the deletion reason here. $(document).ready(function()$('div#searchResults').on('click', '.changePage', changePage).on('click', '.downloadLink', updateDownloads).on('change', '.timeFrame', changeTimeFrame).on('click', '.youtubePreview', togglePreview);$('.massSelect').click(function()$('input[name="massSelect[]"]').each(function()$(this).prop('checked', true);););$('div#reportsDialog').dialog(autoOpen: false, width: 500, height: 500).on('click','img.flagReport',function()var $clicked = $(this),$reportParent = $clicked.parents(''),reportID = $'reportid');$('#vaultLoading').toggle();$.post('BrawlDB.php', action : 'flagReport', reportID : reportID,function(response)$('#vaultLoading').toggle();var resp = $.parseJSON(response);if (resp.status == 'Failed')alert(resp.message);else$clicked.removeClass('flagReport').addClass('unflagReport').prop('src', 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'Success')$('input[name="massSelect[]"]:checked').each(function()$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackStatus').remove('.mainStatus').prepend('');$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackActions>option[value="delete"]').remove();$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackActions').append('Restore'););););$('.massFlag').click(function()if (!$('input[name="massSelect[]"]:checked').length)alert('You must select at least one entry.');return false;$('#vaultLoading').toggle();$.post('BrawlDB.php', 'action=massFlag&'+$('input[name="massSelect[]"]').serialize(),function(response)$('#vaultLoading').toggle();var data = $.parseJSON(response);alert(data.message);if (data.status == 'Success')$('input[name="massSelect[]"]:checked').each(function()$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackStatus').remove('.mainStatus').prepend(' Flagged');$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackActions>option[value="flag"]').remove();$(this).parents('.hackParent').find('.hackActions').append('Unflag');););););Original functionality by picano (Anthony Ianacone), original design and graphics by Jack Harvest.Redesign by Vyse, new graphics by SJS.KittyCorp: MeowMix 2010Visitors OnlineWAU_colored('16ghlx6pjct5', '000000008fd4') Theme Efsane By FussiletPage created in 0.5 seconds with 136 queries.

Windows Sharing Pack V098 311


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